
Dominican Friary

The Dominican Friary stands on the main street, at the west end of the town, next to the Roman Catholic Church. The abbey was founded by Walter de Burgo, Earl of Ulster, in 1269. It is dedicated to St Peter the Martyr, AKA Peter of Verona. This impressive nave and chancel church is over 46 metres in length by 10 metres wide. The nave and chancel were separated by a stone screen. in the south wall of the chancel are six pairs of two light lancet windows, see image below. There is a pointed doorway in the north wall of the chancel, also pictured below, that may have led to the cloister.

Also present in the chancel is an aumbry, a double piscina and wall plaque, erected in 1689, bearing the Egan coat of arms, see image above left. Built into the same wall, to the right of the plaque, is a 17th century altar tomb dedicated to the O'Kennedy Family. Above the tomb is the O'Kennedy Coat of Arms, pictured below right. About half way along the church is a strange structure on the inside of the south wall, with a possible sedelia on the west side of it. The west gable was rebuilt by the O.P.W. after it collapsed in 1939. Dominican Friars remained in the area right up to the 18th century.

Egan plaque 1689

O'Kennedy tomb

Looking towards the west gable.

Situated: At the west end of town, on the south side of St Ruadhan's Roman Catholic Church. Park at the graveyard.

Discovery Map 53: M 9156 0449. Last visit July 2016.

Longitude: 8° 7' 33" W

Latitude: 53° 5' 28" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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